TrineDay’s RoundTable 19: Let’s Make King Charles the Henry George of the 21st Century! Part 1

A FREE Zoom Event  Wed. May 3, 2023  3:00 – 4:30 pm/EST  RSVP required HERE.

Henry George was the most popular speaker in America, after Mark Twain, in the 1800s. He was a political economist who taught that everyone has a birthright to the value of the earth’s “God given” resources. The unearned income that flows from land and natural resources should be used to finance public goods and services. Reforms in public finance policy can begin the process by shifting taxes from earned income on wages to unearned income from land. Fairly sharing the “commons rent” addresses the root causes of hunger, homelessness, poverty and yes, even war. Since King Charles is the largest landowner in the world, he would pay an enormous amount of commons rent. If he refused to do so, his land by rights would be confiscated so that others could have access to their birthright. The more rapidly people awaken to the power of these earth rights tax principles the faster we will build a world of peace and plenty for all.

Let’s do it by making King Charles the Henry George of the 21st Century!

With host, TrineDay Pubisher Kris Millegan, co-authors Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, and Earth Rights visionary Alanna Hartzok.

RSVP HERE to discover the history and the “Open Letter” to King Charles, that we can use to replace the war economy that is killing us with the peace economy that can save us.

“When land and natural resource values – Commons Rent – become the primary source for raising public revenue, we WILL have economic justice and world peace.” –Paul and Liz


Everyone has a birthright to the earth’s “God given” resources. A just, prosperous and peaceful future needs to be based on fairly sharing the Earth. The “unearned income” that now flows to the few who claim much more than their fair share of land and natural resources; should be used to finance public goods and services. Practical reforms in public finance policy can begin the process by shifting taxes from earned income on wages to this unearned income. Fairly sharing this “commons rent” addresses the root causes of hunger, homelessness, poverty and yes, even war. When the commons rent finances public goods and services it benefits everyone. Land speculation and hoarding are curbed and the increased purchasing capacity due to removing taxes on work enables affordable housing, thriving small businesses and overall a more localized and diverse economy. Since King Charles is the largest landowner in the world, he would pay an enormous amount of commons rent. If he refused to do so, his land by rights would be confiscated so that others could have access to their birthright. The more rapidly people awaken to the power of these earth rights tax principles and policies the faster we will build a world of peace and plenty for all. Let’s Do It!

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